Everyday Psalm – Psalm 4

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Everyday Psalms Project

As a mom with two small children, I wanted to begin including a rhythm of our family reading the Psalms out loud. These letter-sized sheets feature full Psalms in plain language supplemented by theme related images, and are the culmination of much prayer, reflection, and reading, and studying. I’m praying the Lord will use these to strengthen our family (and yours too!), in seeking His Kingdom above all else.

A brief note on translation: the personal name of God has been translated as “Adonai” following the Jewish spoken tradition; translation has focused on being “hearer friendly” so my children can “hear” the word before they are old enough to read it for themselves; and key words have been highlighted (eg “Glory”, “Righteous”).


Psalm 1

Psalm 2

Psalm 3

Psalm 4

Currently In Progress:

  • Psalm 5

The Lamp & The Light

It was still dark, when I awoke.

The soft glow of far-off moon gently filtrating through the tents thin canopy.

A few deep breaths.


Small rustlings betrayed nocturnal creatures pacing and foraging in the surrounding woods.

Slowly, covers pushed back, toes met the cool floor. Moments later, a coat swung round warding off the chill.


Out into the cool night.


Bright beams shot from the flashlight clenched in one hand, as I peered off into the night.

There! The small point of light to my right, past a few barely perceptible campsites, dark and quiet.

Pointing the flashlight by my shoes, I carefully began the trek, keeping an eye on both the directional light ahead and the immediate path beneath my feet.

Darkness and shadow surrounded me. Many unseen dangers lay between me and my goal. But I stepped forward, relying on what the light revealed. A small detour around obstacles, a jump over a tangling tree root, a pause when a sound came unexpectedly from the side. Then onward, onward, onward, pressing forward one small step at a time.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalms 119:105 TLV

If there is anything my last years of chronic anxiety and panic attacks has taught me, it is to focus on the light in the distance and the light at my feet, and not gazing transfixed by the immeasurable darkness that lies between, the shadowed valley of death.

To remind myself daily, hourly, one breath after another that He lifts the crushing weight of control from my shoulders and promises salvation to all nations. The one Living God, whose continual and eternal faithful love for His people has never failed.

And then a deep breath and one step after the other, move in faithful obedience as He beautifully and faithfully reveals one footfall after the next by lamplight in the direction of His light.

Be gracious to me, Adonai , for I am weak. Heal me, Adonai — for my bones are shuddering with fear, as is my soul— and You, Adonai —how long? Turn toward me, Adonai , deliver my soul! Save me—because of Your mercy. Psalms 6:3‭-‬5 TLV

I know not where to go, but to follow Jesus.

I know not what to do, but to trust Yahweh.

I know not how to find life, but to receive His Spirit.

Lord, be our lamp and our light – our immediate and our future. For Your name’s sake, remember your people. Be Found by those who seek, Given to those who ask, Opened for those who knock. We ask with expectation that our cries reach Your ears. That You have always been faithful in all things and through all times. As the world shakes and quivers, help us continue to sing songs of praise. The Risen King sits enthroned forever. Hallelujah and Amen.

I’ve Joined Reverse Rebellion

My pledge is not a punch card
“Destination: Heaven”
But answer to Yahweh’s call:
“Will you reject rebellion?”

A captive lost to slavery
from birth I learned my trade;
I sought to earn sins’ favour
in wage of death and shade

I laboured there, each day and night
for what seemed treasures fine:
Groping, grasping, groaning, gathering
deep and dark those mines

Until I heard the promise
a kingdom of the light;
Where freedom as a gift did lay
if death till grave I’d fight

What foolishness it seemed
to seek a Kingdom upside down!
Where strength and wealth did not win out
dark foes shall ere be bound

The Son’s inauguration robe
beneath a crown of thorns;
Unbelievers sign above says “King”
it’s truth the mockers scorn

Dead and buried,
mourned and sighed,
a cross was throne, and then
Three days there went
till grave was spent
and Spirit raised Him – alive!

Amazed at what I saw, I heard, I felt:
an exile I became;
To die, to live,
to serve, to give
All glory to His Name

My kingdom fights by blessing,
receives and then it gives;
Abundance of our father’s love
we turn, and He forgives

For those who lived in darkness
great light at once was seen;
Now seek His ways, and sing His praise
His message will you glean

When His defense is my offense
I’ll rest ‘neath His right hand;
Then next to Him, I turn the plow
to work the verdant land

My pledge is not a punch card
“Destination: Heaven”
But great resounding: “Yes, my Lord!”
I’ve joined Reverse Rebellion